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FLEX-5000 & FLEX-3000 EEPROM / Firewire Diagnostic Tool

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FLEX-5000 & FLEX-3000 EEPROM / Firewire Diagnostic Tool

FLEX-5000 & FLEX-3000 EEPROM / Firewire Diagnostic Tool

System Dependencies
Minimum PowerSDR Version:
Applicable Hardware: FLEX-5000 & FLEX-3000

Content provided by: FlexRadio Systems Engineering

The Windows executable available for download below is a diagnostic tool that can be used to verify that your FLEX-5000 / FLEX-3000 Firewire device driver is loaded properly and you computer is properly communicating with the FLEX-5000/3000 transceiver. There are two procedures documented here
  • Reading EEPROM Data From the FLEX-5000 or FLEX-3000
  • Exporting EEPROM Data to a CSV File
CAUTION: There is also an IMPORT function for importing data from a CSV file into your EEPROM. Do not use this feature unless you are 100% certain that the data you are importing is compatible with your radio or explicitly instructed to do so by the FlexRadio Development Team. Importing invalid data could possibly lead to EEPROM data corruption that can only be remedied by sending in your radio to the Service and Repair Department for repair. Correcting this problem would not normally be covered under warranty repair. CAVEAT UTILITOR!

Reading EEPROM Data From the FLEX-5000

To use the FLEX-x000_EEPROM_Tool to read EEPROM data, use the following instructions:
  1. Download the FLEX-x000_EEPROM_Tool.exe file from the FlexRadio web site (See associated links below)
  2. Turn on the FLEX-5000 or FLEX-3000
  3. Double left click on the executable file, FLEX-x000_EEPROM_Tool.exe 
  4. Select the proper model of SDR in the upper left hand box
  5. Then click on the READ button to query the EEPROM data.
If your computer is properly communicating with the FLEX-5000/3000, then a screen will be displayed showing the current SDR model, and the serial number and revision numbers for installed hardware components (uninstalled hardware will be grayed out):
  • Transceiver Board (HTRX)
  • Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU)
  • Second Receiver (RX2)
  • Power Amplified (HPA)
  • Radio Frequency I/O (RFIO)
  • 2 meter transverter (XVTR)

If your computer is not properly communicating with the SDR hardware, then an error screen will be displayed like the one shown below.

Exporting EEPROM Data to a CSV File

To use the FLEX-5000_EEPROM_Reader to export EEPROM data, use the following instructions:

  1. Download the file from the FlexRadio web site (See associated links below)
  2. Turn on the FLEX-5000 or FLEX-3000
  3. Double left click on the extracted file, FLEX-5000_EEPROM_Tool.exe 
  4. Select the proper model of FLEX-5000 in the upper left hand box
  5. Then click on the EXPORT button to query the EEPROM data.
  6. The button will turn RED and the application will loose focus (grayed out) while the EEPROM data is being read and the CSV (comma separated values) file for 45-60 seconds.
  7. When complete the EXPORT button will revert back to the original color and the program will come back into focus.
  8. Once completed, there will be a CSV file in the folder from which you ran the program. It will have a file name like xxxx-xxxx.csv where xxxx-xxxx is the radio's serial number.

The file will have a series of hexadecimal values written out. This file can be used by FlexRadio Software Development Team to diagnose possible EEPROM data integrity issues.

This KB article may reference additional files that are available on the FlexRadio Systems web site Downloads page. Please use the URL(s) below to download the referenced materials.

An Adobe Acrobat Reader may be required to open the file.You can download Adobe Acrobat from here.

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Last Modified:Monday, September 19, 2011
Last Modified By: Administrator
Type: Software
Rated 2 stars based on 3 votes.
Article has been viewed 15,462 times.