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Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:41 pm
by Keyports
I have read and seen that you can use CW Skimmer with a Flex 5000. I have followed all the instruction I can find on the web but have not been able to make the two work together. I even tried the instruction on KE9ES web page.

With Skimmer on I am able to see and decode the messages but the frequency window is blank so I have know idea of were I am located on the band. Skimmer is also saying in the bottom left hand box that the radio is not connected. Which is strange because it does decode. I am using a comport that is connected to Skimmer and DDUtil. I am also using VSPE as the port simulator. Below is my configuration and it looks very similar to all the other suggestions on the web. If everything looks correct below then it is either DDUtil or VSPE or something else I am not seeing.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Skimmer Settings
Sample tried both 96 and 192
Audio 9600
Cable 2
Cable 1
Channels = Left/right I/Q
Samples = 0
CAT = PowerSDR also tried TS-2000 and Kenwood
Baud = 4800 Data Bits = 8 Parity = None Stop Bits = 1
RTS = High
DTR = High
In Flex changed VAC 1 to enable Direct I/Q and Calibrate I/Q.
Also tried changing the Flex setting from TS-2000 to PowerSDR

Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:32 am
by ke9ns
search my PowerSDR webpage for CWSkimmer (no space). I have the setup

Darrin ke9ns

Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:06 pm
by Keyports
Hi Darrin, your CW Skimmer setup does not work on my 5000. If I configure Skimmer to use SoftRock-IF, Skimmer does not connect to the radio. I am using DDUtil RCP CAT port to connect to the radio and before anyone asks yes the Output to VAC is enabled. I am also using VSPE to setup pairs to use as comports. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

If I use just SoftRock then I am connected to the radio and I am able to see all the decodes and use the call sign list to change frequencies. However; the frequency window in Skimmer does not show what frequency I am on. The frequency window will show either a positive number or a negative number. Using the SoftRock setting also disables CAT. According to CW Skimmer's manual to use SoftRock I need to enter the Local Oscillation Frequency which as a novice I have no idea where to find that number. Right now I can hear but I am blind. I have know idea where I am on the band.

I guess the question is what is the difference between SoftRock and SoftRock-IF, that one would somewhat work and the other does not. The radio is connected when I use SoftRock but is disconnected when I use SoftRock-IF, everything is the same except the hardware type. If I can get SoftRock_IF connected everything else should fall into place.

Ask me questions, point me to websites, I know it can work, I just don't know how to make it work.


Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:34 pm
by ke9ns
When you use SoftRock-IF, you must check the IQ box under VAC1 (setup->Audio->VAC1->Direct I/Q output to VAC).
Did you have the box checked?

Just remember to uncheck the box when your done, otherwise it will drive you crazy trying to figure out why your other programs no longer work.


Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:23 pm
by Keyports
Hi Darrin, you can read all the stuff below if you want I just want to ask you or anyone what virtual cable software are you using if you are running CW Skimmer?

With the SoftRock-IF checked and the VAC1 Direct I/O enabled the 5000 will not connect to CW Skimmer. Skimmer says that the radio is not responding. If I use SoftRock not SoftRock-IF the 5000 will connect to Skimmer and Skimmer will say that the radio is OK but I do not have the ability to use CAT controls. I can see signals and click on them but I have no idea of where I am on the band. The radios frequency window does not change and Skimmers frequency window is grayed out with 0.00 in the window. This I have been told would indicate that there is a CAT problem.

What I do know is that the radio works and Skimmer works but only on a listen and decode mode no CAT control. Between the radio and Skimmer I have DDUtil, VSPE, the audio cables and Omni-Rig. Since I am able to hear and see signals in SoftRock I'll assume that the audio cables work. That leaves DDUtil, VSPE and Omni-Rig.

I have tried eliminating DDUtil and connect directly to the radio using just the CAT port as suggested from Flex. "Configure CW Skimmer with PowerSDR for Wide Band Operation". This would also not connect to the radio. That just leaves VSPE and Omni-Rig and since I have to use Omni-Rig then it would seem that VSPE is the problem.


Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:48 pm
by Keyports
After a long search I found my solution. For those that are reading this thread and might be having the same problem getting CW Skimmer to work with your 5000 look to your comport emulator as a possible solution. I was using VSPMgr until MS did a computer update and all my comports stopped working and I switch to VSPE which works fine. I found after trying every configuration I could find VSPE and CW Skimmer just would not work together.

My solution was to cross my fingers, that always helps, and try a different comport emulator. As it turned out and lucky for me I tried VSPMgr again and it worked. KE9NS if you are reading this may I suggest in your setup page under CW Skimmer that you mention if this setup does not work it maybe your comport emulator try using VSPMgr.


Re: Flex 5000 and CW Skimmer Help

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:27 pm
by ke9ns
Glad you got it working again.

Every time Microsoft does a major Win10 update, a certain number of PC's end up with their COM ports and/or Audio devices messed up, including names of devices getting messed up.

Darrin ke9ns