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Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:11 am
by w2jon
Hey Darrin,
Thought this was the best place to ask this question. I didn't want to bother you on the FB group. Thanks for coming in btw. it's great to know you're there.

Anyway, I upgraded to .189 but now my profile sessions don't seem to be sticking.
If I change any settings they are fine for the current session only, if I close and reopen PSDR the old profile settings are there.

I went a step further and removed PSDR from the machine, cleaned out the folders, and reinstalled.
I imported my backup XML and tried again. same thing.. it's interesting.. I even created a new TX profile and then deleted the old one.
upon restart, the old profile was restored and the new one was gone. it's almost like the DB is read-only or something?
I made a manual change to the chkRIT field and switched it to true in the .XML just to see if it was reading the same file and sure enough on reloading the RIT button was on... strange stuff. any ideas?


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 7:27 pm
by ke9ns
I can be a few different reasons.
But you dont need to uninstall PowerSDR. Worst case would be to go into the database folder and remove all 5 files with your radios serial# in the file name, and start with defaults.

If you use the "Band Stack" memories and are currently on a "Locked" memory in the stack, it will appear to ignore changes, since they are locked.
If your talking about the TX profile, I advise not to use the "Auto Save TX profile..." checkboxes. They were always glitchy even back with 2.7.2
If I make a TX profile change, i always right click on the profile name from the console screen (which pops open the setup) and save there.

Its possible your database has an issue (since I keep adding things to the database with almost every revision). I have seen corruption in the database prevent updates. But I usually try "Setup->Apply" a couple of times first, to see if it starts to save changes to my database, and make sure your not parked on a locked band stack
Most of the time, that will free it up and it will start saving your changes.

If you dont see changes you made to a TX profile, try switching profiles back and forth 1 time to see if it was saved.


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:39 am
by w2jon
Yeah, it's pretty interesting how it's behaving.
I don't normally use the band stack feature (not sure how to use it yet..) But I checked to make sure I didn't have anything going on there.
After rolling through all of the bands none of the entries showed as locked.
I did try changing freq and then going into the Setup menu and slapped the apply about 10 times .. I then shut down and came back in and the previous Freq ware still active! this was short lived though, the next two attempts ignored the changes to anything, TX profile, Freq Change, mode change...
it just doesn't want to write to the DB.. very odd. and what's even stranger is that it did it the one time.. so it looks sort of like something is locking the db.
IDK I'll try to dump the DB and test again with a clean one.. I have made a backup and I'll test without importing it and then import and see if it misbehaves again. I wonder if I have better luck using the data transfer tool vs an import..

Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:51 am
by w2jon
Okay, that seems to have done it.. I imported everything except for the state table and it seems to be sticking each time I close now.
Something looks slightly different in the workspace but that can just be the placebo effect.
Thanks for the lead, I think I'll bang it around and see what I can break next. hihi


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:18 pm
by Keyports
I am having the same issue. Can you give me a more detailed description of what you did to correct this issue. I am also using .189.


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:25 pm
by ke9ns
go and download .192
I found a mistake in the code that goes all the way back to v2.7.2.
It has to do with updating TX settings when changing bands.
This might fix TX "auto save" issues as well.


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:14 pm
by w2jon
Okay, so it's been a while and I just couldn't figure out what was going on but I was too embarrassed to mention it.

I've upgraded and factory restarted several times and each time once I got everything where I wanted it the darn DB save was still being erratic.

It wasn't until today that I think I figured out the associated component that is involved with this anomaly.
Setting up a fresh install on another machine everything was good until I defined the callsign, LAT/LONG, and enabled VOACAP with Contour.

Shutdowns after this change resulted in not saving the current session state.

After 3 retries I can confirm that after switching VOACAP and Contour back off that the DB can properly save after each session is shut down.

Very Interesting, Are you able to replicate the issue over there?

FYI: I am now running at .193

Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:59 pm
by ke9ns
I never shut down PowerSDR with the VOACAP running, so its very possible its hanging things up.
I will check it out.
Its good that you confirmed it, so it should be fixable.


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:09 pm
by w2jon
Testing with .194
Were you able to replicate the issue I was seeing?
Ahh nope. Just tested and it still has this quirk when VOACAP is enabled

Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:31 pm
by ke9ns
I tried shutting down PowerSDR with the VOACAP enabled, and it saved correctly upon the next power up.

Just not sure what is causing it yet.


Re: Session settings not saved .189

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:33 pm
by w2jon
My routine is.. start PSDR confirm Voacap is off..
Change freq or band or whatever,
Start Voacap and then shut down.
Restart and you should still be on the same freq as before shut down.. now, with Voacap still enabled since start up, change freq or band again and then shut down.
Sometimes I get lucky but +90% of the time it shows me the previous freq from the last successful save before Voacap was enabled .

Funky right?!

Great job on .194 btw <slow clap>