How to set up Flex-3k for FT8 with WSJT-X

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How to set up Flex-3k for FT8 with WSJT-X

Post by jaypea500 »

Is there a step-by-step guide here (or anywhere, really) on setting up the Flex-3000 for use with WSJT-X for the FT8 digimode? The more "dummies" style, the better.

I think I have all the pieces (PowerSDR, VSPE for virtual ports, VAC for audio, NetTime for time sync and WSJT-X). Just need to figure out how they all go together.

I tried searching the forum, but I keep getting the "The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words..." error.


...joe kd2qbk
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Re: How to set up Flex-3k for FT8 with WSJT-X

Post by ke9ns »


Go to my website and click on the Digital modes link on the left side. Then scroll down to WSJT-X. It shows how I setup for FT8 or FT4, as well as using JTAlert.
It shows how to run 2 instances of WSJT-x at the same time, on a Flex-5000RX2, but you can just setup for the the normal 1instance (left side of all the photos). Click on any photo to enlarge it.

I also have a section on the webpage for virtual audio and virtual serial setups (which I think I used the WSJT-X as my example)

I have setups for a bunch of different digital modes

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
Flex-5000, LDMOS and Titan Amps, G5RV, and Mosley TA-33 Junior
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Re: How to set up Flex-3k for FT8 with WSJT-X

Post by jaypea500 »

Thanks, Darrin. Also saw a video you did a while ago, though with somewhat earlier software versions. But I got the gist anyway.

Got everything set up and almost working. The issue I'm having now is PSDR partially locking up on transmit.

If I hit tune in WSJT-X with the power slider all the way down, everything is fine. But increasing it so the power gets to about a quarter-of-a-watt (0.25 W), partially locks up PSDR, stopping transmission.

Killing tune puts PSDR back into receive mode, but the spectrum display and waterfall are stalled. PSDR isn't entirely locked up (the clock is running and start/stop works, slider controls move, etc), just the panafall is stalled with no receive. Randomly stopping and starting PSDR will bring back receive and get panafall moving again, or it'll just crash PSDR and take the PC with it.

If I run PSDR without WSJT-X, as if I'm going to do regular SSB or CW, and press tune the same thing occurs.

Sounds like RF is getting in from somewhere but I'm not sure of that. The setup is a ferrite-palooza at the moment, though the PC case should probably be grounded. Problem there is this is definitely a compromised install as it's in a second-floor shack with not much, if any, opportunity for grounding. I have an MFJ artificial ground, but that doesn't seem to make much of a difference, especially if I can't transmit long enough to set the controls.

So I'm kinda stuck at the moment. Thinking of trying a large copper screen behind the desk with equipment grounds attached to that to see if that helps any.

But if you or anyone else have any ideas to help, I'm all ears and very appreciative...

...joe kd2qbk
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Re: How to set up Flex-3k for FT8 with WSJT-X

Post by ke9ns »

It sure sounds like an RF issue, but I am surprised your seeing this at low power.

For you or anyone experiencing RF issues, this is my setup:

Go to either my page, OR my home page (where you can scroll a panoramic photo of my shack)
My PC is behind the Left most Monitor.
Audio rack is just above that.
My Flex-5000 is behind the Right most monitor
My Titan 1.5kw Amp and MFJ Tuner is just right right of that.

I have ground rod out at my G5RV, and run a ground wire down from my TA-33 antenna to a ground rod next to my house.
I put coaxial chokes (12 turns of coax) at the base of both my antennas.
I dont run any special ground from my PC, just the ground that's part of the normal AC cord.
My 25A 13.8vdc supply is under the desk, and all devices that use 13.8vdc use this power supply.
This 13.8vdc supply is grounded only through the AC cord.
I use a large power strip, so everything is plugged and grounded at this same point.

I dont run any extra ground on my Flex-5000 or Titan or MFJ Tuner.
I lifted the ground on all components of my audio rack (because it gets ground from the XLR audio cables back to the Flex-5000 and prevents ground loop hum)

I have clamp on ferrite on all wires and coax attached to the Flex-5000, Titan, and MFJ-tuner
I have clamp on ferrite on both ends of the FireWire cable.
I have multi-turn coax wound through a larger ferrite on the coax cable between the Flex-5000 and the Titan

The Clamp-on Ferrite is from Digi-key. I just looked up Ferrite that had the highest impedance at HF frequencies, and had a large enough diameter to fit the wires I was working with.

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
Flex-5000, LDMOS and Titan Amps, G5RV, and Mosley TA-33 Junior
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