strange error on PowerSDR v2.8.0.249 Topic is solved

General Info for PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8 (for the SDR-1000, Flex-1500, Flex-3000, and Flex-5000 only).
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strange error on PowerSDR v2.8.0.249

Post by hb9ncz »

I have a strange error when starting PowerSDR.
When I click on the Memory button, the following error appears:

" Standard-errordialogfeld for "DataGridView


Value "DataGridViewComboBoxCell" is invalid"

this error recurs every time you start PowerSDR,
you click several times on OK then appears
the Memory window.

then close the Memory window and reopen it,
there are no more errors

with Windows 10 last update


Roland HB9NCZ
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Re: strange error on PowerSDR v2.8.0.249

Post by ke9ns »

Something happened to the frequency Memory.xml file in folder: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\FlexRadio Systems\

You will probably want to remove the file and let PowerSDR create a new empty file.

Or you can try to fix the existing file (if you know how to edit and repair xml files)

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
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Re: strange error on PowerSDR v2.8.0.249  Topic is solved

Post by hb9ncz »

Hello Darin

Thank you very much for the information,
I looked with Visual Studiocode at the "memroy.xml" file and noticed that in the last record,
there was a registration error in the "<Group-Feld>.

I corrected this error and PowerSDR could open the file again.

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