How do you set up port to send CW?

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How do you set up port to send CW?

Post by AA2MA »

I'm trying to set up N1MM+ to key the PowerSDR/FLEX 1500 and send CW. N1MM+ CONFIG dialog allows me to set up a port to use either DTR or RTS to send CW, however I don't see a similar setting in any of the PowerSDR SETUP sub-menus. Is there a way to send CW using an external program via the virtual serial connections?

Thanks and 73
de AA2MA
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Re: How do you set up port to send CW?

Post by ke9ns »

I have never done this, but check out setup->DSP->keyer->Connections->Primary or Secondary->CAT
When you select CAT: PTT LINE, KEY LINE boxes will appear

Creator of PowerSDR KE9NS v2.8, based on the Flex Radio PowerSDR v2.7.2 software.
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Re: How do you set up port to send CW?

Post by AA2MA »

That does the trick. Thanks. Didn't think to look under the DSP tab for a keyer menu. Expected to see that under Transmit or possibly under CAT.

73, Mark
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